Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: Mastering Your Mindset

Public speaking anxiety is a common hurdle that many individuals face. The fear of speaking in front of a crowd can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can significantly reduce your anxiety and nerves. In this article, we’ll delve into six mindset tips that can help you overcome public speaking anxiety by at least 50%. These tips, rooted in the understanding of your mental perspective, can pave the way for more confident and composed speaking experiences.

Introduction: The Dual Approach to Tackling Anxiety

Tackling public speaking anxiety involves two main paths: changing your mindset and altering your behavior. These two avenues are interconnected and can work together to create a positive feedback loop that gradually diminishes anxiety. In this article, we’ll focus on the mindset aspect—how you perceive public speaking and its associated nervousness.

Tip 1: Embrace Anxiety as a Positive Signal

Anxiety and nervousness are not red flags indicating trouble; they are signs that you’re about to engage in something significant. Professionals and even celebrities experience nervousness before public speaking. Michael Douglas, a renowned actor, openly admitted to feeling nervous but also highlighted that such feelings are part of the excitement. Embracing anxiety as a signal of importance reframes your perspective, making it a companion on your journey rather than an obstacle.

Tip 2: Recognize the Blend of Nervousness and Excitement

Consider this: you’re only about half as nervous as you think you are. The other half is excitement—an emotion closely intertwined with anxiety. The exhilaration of challenging yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone often manifests as those familiar butterflies in your stomach. The key is to acknowledge that these emotions coexist, allowing you to reframe your anxiety as excitement and fuel for your performance.

Tip 3: The Outside Perception Differs

While you may feel exceptionally nervous internally, the external perception often differs. Listeners cannot accurately gauge your level of anxiety; they can only observe your outward presentation. This divergence between internal feelings and external appearance works in your favor. Even accomplished figures like Sylvester Stallone faced nervousness before speaking engagements, yet his composed exterior concealed the anxiety spike.

Tip 4: The Ephemeral Peak of Nervousness

The peak of nervousness lasts less than a minute, typically occurring just before and during the initial moments of your presentation. The anticipation and waiting tend to be more anxiety-inducing than the act itself. Similar to a professional athlete’s pre-game jitters, the anxiety dissipates as you dive into your speech. Remind yourself that the initial spike will subside shortly after you begin speaking.

Tip 5: Anxiety Doesn’t Impede Excellence

Understand that anxiety is not a barrier to delivering an outstanding performance. The misconception that nervousness equates to subpar performance is unfounded. Athletes facing nerve-wracking scenarios before games still excel. Similarly, accomplished speakers admit to experiencing anxiety, yet their presentations remain impressive. Acknowledge that anxiety doesn’t determine your capabilities.

Tip 6: The Supportive Audience

Assume that everyone in your audience wants you to succeed. The vast majority of listeners are sympathetic and have experienced public speaking themselves. Any negative facial expressions you encounter might stem from unrelated issues, rather than judgment towards your speech. Believing that your audience supports you can alleviate unnecessary worry and reinforce your confidence.

Conclusion: Embracing a Positive Feedback Loop

In summary, conquering public speaking anxiety involves reshaping your mindset. By following these six tips, you can redefine anxiety as a positive signal, appreciate the blend of nervousness and excitement, understand the difference between internal and external perceptions, recognize the fleeting nature of anxiety spikes, acknowledge that anxiety doesn’t hinder excellence, and believe in your audience’s support. A transformed mindset can lead to heightened confidence and pave the way for even greater success in your speaking endeavors.

Remember, both mindset changes and behavioral adjustments work in tandem to create a virtuous cycle of confidence. As you implement these mindset tips, keep an eye out for our upcoming article where we’ll explore six behavioral strategies to further reduce speaking anxiety. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned speaker, adopting a positive and empowered mindset can make a substantial difference in your public speaking journey.

Five Daily Public Speaking Exercises to Boost Your Speaking Skills

As a public speaking coach, I understand that you might not find yourself in public speaking situations every day. However, you still want to improve as a speaker. In this article, I’ll introduce you to the best exercises you can practice on your own or with friends to enhance your speaking abilities.

Exercise 1: Count Up to 20

This exercise focuses on your delivery, body language, voice, and hand gestures, all combined into one. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Count up to 20 from 1 to 20, practicing various hand gestures, voice tones, and speeds with each count.
  2. Experiment with pointing at objects in your surroundings while counting.
  3. Play with your delivery, body language, and facial expressions during the exercise.

Remember, this exercise helps you work on your overall delivery, making it more engaging and impactful.

Exercise 2: Hi, My Name Is…

This exercise helps you stay present, comfortable with your space, and grounded during speaking. Follow these steps:

  1. Take a deep breath before and after saying, “Hi, my name is Your Name.”
  2. Maintain eye contact with the audience or an object you’re looking at, even after saying your name.
  3. Embrace the power of silence at the end of the sentence to exude confidence.

Practice this exercise in various scenarios, such as on phone calls, Zoom meetings, or at the beginning of any conversation. The breaths at the beginning and end add impact to your speech.

Exercise 3: I Am the World’s Best…

This exercise focuses on improving your vocal variety. Complete the sentence “I am the world’s best…” with different statements, varying your tone, pitch, and pace each time.

  1. Say the sentence with different volumes – louder and softer.
  2. Experiment with higher and lower pitches.
  3. Play around with the speed of your speech, going faster or slower.
  4. Utilize strategic pauses to add emphasis and variation to your speech.

This exercise enhances your vocal delivery, making your speech more engaging and dynamic.

Exercise 4: Box Breathing

Box breathing is a relaxation technique used by the US Navy to stay composed under pressure. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Breathe in for four seconds.
  2. Hold your breath for four seconds.
  3. Breathe out for four seconds.
  4. Hold your breath again for four seconds.
  5. Repeat the cycle.

This exercise helps you relax and maintain composure, which is vital for effective public speaking.

Exercise 5: Prep Questions

Although not spoken aloud, these prep questions are crucial for preparing for any speaking engagement:

  1. Who is my audience, and what do they want?
  2. What are my audience’s expectations from me?
  3. What are my target points for the presentation, and what do I need to prepare?

Answering these questions will help you understand your audience better and formulate more relevant and engaging content.

In conclusion, these five daily public speaking exercises are designed to help you grow as a speaker. By practicing them regularly, you can gain a competitive advantage and significantly improve your speaking skills. Remember, these exercises are time-efficient and can be easily integrated into your daily routine. So, invest in your speaking abilities and watch your confidence and impact soar!

If you’re interested in further tips to enhance your public speaking, check out my video “Five Tips to Help You Improve Your Public Speaking.” Happy speaking!

The Art of Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking is an art that holds immense potential to captivate and inspire an audience. However, all too often, we encounter presentations that fall short of their purpose, leaving us disengaged and uninspired. These lackluster speeches, which I like to call “stinky fish presentations,” fail to deliver the gift of an impactful experience. In this article, we will explore the essence of effective public speaking and how it can transform ordinary presentations into extraordinary ones.

The Power of Being Present

When we delve into the word “presentation,” we discover its roots in the concept of being present and engaged in the here and now. To become an effective public speaker, it is crucial to embrace this sense of presence. By remaining conscious and tuned in to our surroundings, we sharpen our speaking skills, remain alert, and make ourselves wholly available to the audience. A presentation should be seen as a gift, an offering of oneself to the listeners, and a connection that transcends mere words.

The Curse of Stinky Fish Presentations

Unfortunately, many speakers fail to perceive their presentations as valuable gifts to the audience. Consequently, they neglect the necessary care, shaping, and polishing required to make their speeches shine. These neglected presentations, which I refer to as “stinky fish,” leave an unpleasant lingering impact on the room. Like a smelly old fish, they are swiftly discarded and forgotten. We have all encountered such presentations, characterized by broken and dysfunctional content.

Analyzing a Stinky Fish Presentation

Let us examine a recent example of a stinky fish presentation to gain insights into the common pitfalls of public speaking. In this instance, a middle-aged man exhibited various negative attributes that undermined his effectiveness as a speaker:

  1. Lack of openness: The speaker crossed his arms throughout the presentation, cutting off the audience and hindering engagement. Openness and availability are vital qualities for a speaker to connect effectively.
  2. Excessive filler sounds and words: The speaker excessively used filler sounds such as “um” and filler words like “sort of” and “like.” These verbal crutches diminish the polish and preparation of a speech, proving annoying to the audience. In this case, there were an astonishing 61 instances of “um” in a 15-minute presentation.
  3. Over-apologizing: The speaker apologized excessively, undermining his credibility. Apologies for minor issues, such as font size or self-comparisons, create an unnecessary negative impression.

The Impact of Stinky Fish Presentations

Stinky fish presentations, like the one described, leave the audience feeling numb, disengaged, and uninspired. Unfortunately, such subpar speeches have become commonplace, resulting in a low standard for public speaking. As spectators, we yearn for movement, laughter, and genuine human connection during presentations. It is time to question this acceptance of mediocrity and consider the consequences of perpetuating this status quo.

Embracing the Red Pill: The Art of Performance

As speakers, we have a choice to make: the blue pill of the average, lackluster presentation or the red pill of transformative public speaking. Public speaking is a performing art akin to theater, dance, and music. To become successful, a speaker must master both compelling content creation and engaging performance.

Performance is the key to an extraordinary presentation. It is not about pretending to be someone you’re not, but rather being authentic while honing and refining the elements that comprise the performance of public speaking. These elements include:

  1. Appearance: Pay attention to your attire and the presence you radiate. Your outfit is part of the overall performance.
  2. Voice: Your voice is an instrument that must be skillfully played to captivate the audience’s attention.
  3. Body: Master the language of gestures and positions, using body language to convey your message effectively.
  4. Audience Connection: Forge a relationship with your audience, ensuring that you are on the same page and establishing a meaningful connection.

Shaping and Polishing Presentations

By understanding and applying the skills and techniques within these performance elements, speakers can shape, polish, and fine-tune their presentations to sparkle. It requires dedication, practice, and even occasional tears, but the rewards are worth it. A well-crafted presentation lingers in the room, pulsating with meaning. It becomes something the audience wants to hold onto, share, and cherish—not a forgettable stinky fish.


Public speaking has the power to change the world, energize rooms, and inspire action. By choosing the red pill of transformative public speaking, we embrace the art of performance. We abandon the low bar and elevate our presentations from ordinary to extraordinary. Remember, a presentation is a gift—a treasure that deserves to be cherished, nourished, and delivered with the utmost care. So, what will your choice be—the blue pill or the red pill? The choice is yours to make.


The Path to Becoming a Professional Speaker

Many people dream of becoming professional speakers, but only a few take the necessary steps to make it a reality. Toastmasters International, a renowned organization known for honing public speaking skills, provides a platform for individuals to develop their speaking abilities. However, many Toastmasters members hesitate to venture beyond the confines of their meetings and explore speaking opportunities outside the organization. In this article, we will discuss the journey of professional speakers, the value they bring, and the importance of seizing speaking opportunities.

Discovering the First Step

Often, individuals with a dream of becoming a professional speaker remain inactive, uncertain of how to start. They lack knowledge about the initial steps and assume that the path is out of reach. However, the truth is that successful speakers were once in the same position. The key is to take action and pursue opportunities to refine one’s skills and gain experience.

Recognizing Your Value

Toastmasters members possess a unique advantage as speakers. Their experiences within the organization equip them with valuable insights and stories that can captivate audiences. Many aspiring speakers fail to recognize the significance of their perspectives and the impact they can have on others. It is crucial to understand that every Toastmaster has a valuable contribution to make and a compelling message to share.

Learning from Success Stories

Bill Cosby, one of the world’s most renowned keynote speakers, serves as an inspiration for aspiring professionals. However, it is important to understand that Cosby’s success is not solely derived from a single speaking engagement. Rather, his achievements are a culmination of his stage presence, writing skills, and years of experience. This example highlights the fact that success in the speaking industry is not instantaneous but requires consistent effort and growth.

Unveiling the Beginnings of Great Speakers

To truly comprehend how successful speakers get started, we can examine the stories of notable figures like Bill Cosby and Tony Robbins. Cosby initially sold cassette tapes while speaking for free at colleges, gradually building his reputation and demand as a speaker. Similarly, Robbins began by selling tickets to Jim Rohn’s events, leveraging the opportunity to refine his speaking skills. These anecdotes demonstrate that even renowned speakers had humble beginnings and took strategic steps to advance their careers.

A Personal Turning Point

In 1994, a pivotal moment occurred for a comedian named Darren during a Toastmasters meeting. Initially driven by self-interest, Darren’s perspective changed when his club president approached him. Recognizing Darren’s potential, the president encouraged him to consider the value he could offer others as a comedian studying comedy techniques. This interaction sparked Darren’s realization that he possessed knowledge and resources that could benefit others.

Embracing Opportunities

Darren’s first speech at Toastmasters, which focused on learning to be funnier, opened his eyes to the impact he could have on an audience. Witnessing individuals taking notes and expressing interest in his insights, he realized the power of sharing his experiences. Encouraged by his club president and district governor, Darren then seized the opportunity to present at a breakout session within Toastmasters District 31.

The Breakthrough

During the breakout session, Darren faced an unexpected challenge when his co-presenter froze on stage. However, he rose to the occasion and successfully completed the session. Following the presentation, a representative from the New England Recruiters Association approached Darren, impressed by his speaking abilities. She extended an invitation for him to speak at their conference and keynote the event.

Understanding Your Worth

When asked about his speaking fee, Darren, still relatively new to the corporate speaking world, hesitated. Coming from the comedy circuit where he earned $50 per set on a good night, he was unaware of the potential earnings in the corporate realm. Tentatively, he quoted $75, unaware that speakers in similar positions were receiving significantly higher compensation. Nevertheless, Darren was content with the opportunity and saw it as a stepping stone towards his goals.

The Path to Success

Becoming a professional speaker often involves starting small and gradually working towards larger opportunities. Embracing speaking engagements, even if they are unpaid or offer minimal compensation, allows individuals to gain experience, refine their skills, and build their reputation. It is essential to recognize that speaking more frequently aligns with the aspirations of those aiming for a career in professional speaking.


Dreaming of becoming a professional speaker is not enough; action is required to turn that dream into reality. Toastmasters International offers a supportive environment for individuals to develop their speaking abilities. By acknowledging the value of their experiences, learning from successful speakers’ journeys, and embracing opportunities, Toastmasters members can pave their own path to success in the speaking industry. So, if you aspire to be a professional speaker, remember to step outside the Toastmasters meeting room and share your stories and expertise with the world.

The Power of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a valuable skill that can have a profound impact on your professional life and success. It serves as a powerful tool to promote your products or services, persuade audiences, motivate your workforce, and establish meaningful connections with business associates and customers. Effective public speaking enables you to communicate clearly, influence others, and pave the way for career advancement, leadership roles, and even entrepreneurial ventures.

Know Your Audience

To become a compelling presenter and influencer, it is crucial to understand your audience. Take the time to analyze their knowledge level, attitudes towards the subject matter, and perception of you and your company. By gathering basic demographic information such as age ranges, genders, and cultures, you can tailor your content to resonate with your audience’s specific needs, wants, and expectations. This audience analysis lays the foundation for delivering a targeted and impactful message.

  • Determine what your audience needs, wants, and expects from your presentation.
  • Gather relevant demographic information to better understand your audience.
  • Organize your content in a way that makes sense to your audience, skipping redundant information and focusing on their existing knowledge.

Structuring Your Presentation

When it comes to professional speaking, having a well-defined structure for your presentation is paramount. While it is important to avoid scripting your speech word-for-word, it is equally crucial to have a framework that allows you to express your perspectives and wisdom while tapping into your passion. Before delving into the content, clearly define your presentation objective and what you aim to achieve. Typically, presentations seek to inform, influence, and inspire the audience. Understanding your desired outcome enables you to select the most relevant content and avoid overwhelming your audience with unnecessary details.

  • Identify your presentation objective and desired outcome.
  • Remember the three key objectives: inform, influence, and inspire.
  • Focus on moving your audience towards a specific point of change.
  • Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive data and detail.

The Diamond Format: Organizing Your Presentation

To ensure clarity and conciseness in your presentation, it is essential to structure it using the diamond format. This format comprises a focused beginning, a developed middle, and a tight conclusion.

  1. Beginning: Clearly state your objective and what the audience will gain from your presentation. Highlight the benefits they can expect from your content.
  2. Middle: Keep your presentation focused by dividing it into no more than three main points or topics. This helps maintain the audience’s attention and facilitates easier comprehension.
  3. End: Summarize the key points you made in the middle section. Revisit your objective in the conclusion and provide a clear call to action that aligns with your presentation’s purpose.

For instance, imagine you are teaching a group of people how to make the ideal peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In the beginning, state your objective of teaching them how to make the best sandwich and highlight the benefits they and their families will experience. In the middle, discuss the three main components: peanut butter, jelly, and bread. In the end, summarize the key points, restate the objective, and provide an action step for the audience to follow.

  • Begin with a clear objective and audience benefits.
  • Develop your presentation with no more than three main points.
  • Summarize the key points and restate the objective in the conclusion.
  • Include a call to action to prompt audience engagement and follow-up.

The Power of Practice

One of the best-kept secrets of successful speakers is the power of practice. While it may appear effortless when observing a skilled speaker, their preparation and practice are the keys to their natural and engaging delivery. Practicing your presentation repeatedly allows you to integrate ideas, messages, and delivery techniques, enabling you to focus on connecting with your audience. Practice should never feel stiff or formal; it should feel natural and polished.

  • Understand the importance of practice in becoming an effective public speaker.
  • Thoughtfully plan and rehearse your presentation multiple times.
  • Practice enables you to integrate ideas, messages, and delivery techniques.
  • A well-practiced presentation allows you to focus on engaging your audience.

Making a Strong First Impression

The saying goes that you have approximately seven seconds to make a first impression. While it is possible to recover from a less-than-ideal start, those initial moments present a crucial opportunity to captivate and engage your audience. The most important aspect of making a strong first impression is to avoid being boring. Break away from the traditional and mundane approaches that many presenters adopt. Instead, seize the chance to immediately capture your audience’s attention and set the stage for an impactful presentation.

  • Recognize the significance of the first impression in public speaking.
  • Avoid falling into the trap of being boring and predictable.
  • Take a unique and engaging approach to captivate your audience from the start.


Mastering the art of public speaking empowers you to communicate effectively, influence others, and unlock new opportunities for professional growth and success. By understanding your audience, structuring your presentation thoughtfully, practicing diligently, and making a strong first impression, you can become a persuasive and impactful speaker. Whether you aim to inform, influence, or inspire, harnessing the power of public speaking is a valuable skill that will serve you throughout your career. So, embrace the challenge, refine your techniques, and make your voice heard.

How To Boost Your Confidence in Public Speaking


Are you plagued by a fear of public speaking? You’re not alone. In fact, according to a nonprofessional study, an overwhelming 99.99% of people experience anxiety when it comes to giving a speech in public. But fear not! In this article, we will provide you with valuable tools and techniques to help you feel more comfortable and confident when speaking in front of an audience.

Bring Your A Game

To become a confident public speaker, it’s essential to bring your A game. This means bringing out the best version of yourself and doing your utmost to deliver an effective presentation. Here are three crucial skills you need to master: your body game, your mental game, and your preparation game.

Body Game: Posture and Presence

Your body language plays a significant role in how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself. To project confidence, pay attention to your posture. Stand tall with your shoulders back, avoiding a slouched position. Amy Cuddy, in her popular TED Talk, emphasizes the impact of posture on both self-perception and how others perceive you. By adopting a strong and upright stance, you will not only convey confidence to your audience but also boost your own self-assurance.

Mental Game: Cultivating a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is vital when it comes to public speaking. While some individuals naturally lean towards positivity, others struggle with negative self-talk. To cultivate a more positive outlook, focus on how your presentation will benefit your audience. By shifting your perspective to helping others and meeting their needs, you can alleviate stress and approach your speech with a more positive attitude. Creating daily affirmations that highlight the positive impact of your presentation can also reinforce this optimistic mindset.

Preparation Game: Practice and Review

Preparation is key to delivering a successful speech. While many of us focus on writing the content and creating engaging visuals, we often overlook the importance of verbal preparation. Practice your speech out loud, refining your intonation and wording. It is recommended to practice your speech at least three times, but if English is not your native language, consider practicing more frequently. Additionally, challenge yourself to record your practice sessions, both audio and video. This will allow you to assess your body language, engagement, and delivery as if you were the audience. After self-evaluation, continue practicing, refining your skills with each subsequent rehearsal.

Game Day: Focus and Visualization

On the day of your big presentation, it is essential to maintain focus and avoid distractions. Just like professional athletes, you should concentrate solely on your objective. Minimize external influences and immerse yourself in activities that mentally prepare you for your speech. Visualize a successful presentation, where your audience responds positively, and you deliver your message effectively. By dedicating the day to your presentation and mentally preparing yourself, you enhance your chances of success.


To bring your A game to public speaking, you must excel in three critical areas: your body game, your mental game, and your preparation game. By focusing on maintaining good posture, cultivating a positive mindset, and diligently practicing your speech, you can boost your confidence and deliver compelling presentations. Remember, confidence is not an innate trait but a skill that can be developed through consistent effort and practice. So, embrace the challenge, hone your skills, and become a fearless public speaker!

Mastering the Art of Public Speaking


Speaking in public can be a daunting challenge that many of us face at some point in our lives. The stage can turn into a blank canvas, leaving us frozen and anxious. However, it is a challenge that must be embraced and conquered. In this article, we will explore valuable suggestions and tips to help you become a better public speaker. Join me on this journey as we uncover the mistakes you may have been making and learn how to improve your public speaking skills.

The Power of Delivery

When it comes to public speaking, we often focus too much on what we want to say rather than how we say it. While content and words are important, research shows that only 7% of communication relies on them. Surprisingly, the remaining 93% is dependent on our voice and body language. This statistic emphasizes the significance of mastering our delivery. Just like a text message, your body language sets the tone for your speech and greatly influences the audience’s perception.

  • Content and words contribute only 7% to effective communication.
  • Voice carries 38% of the message, while body language holds 55%.
  • Body language acts as a text message, conveying emotions and intentions.

Building a Positive Connection

To establish a strong connection with your audience, it is crucial to create a positive and pleasant atmosphere. Your body language and voice play a vital role in achieving this. Avoid hurting the sentiments of your listeners and instead focus on delivering your speech in a positive and joyful manner.

  • Negative body language can hinder your relationship with the audience.
  • Concentrate on how you say things, rather than just what you say.
  • Ensure your body language and voice reflect a positive demeanor.

Engaging Your Audience

To make a lasting impression, it is important not only to captivate your audience but also to leave a positive impact. Utilizing examples, anecdotes, and relatable experiences can significantly enhance your speech. By connecting your topic to daily life, you help your audience relate and engage with your message. Additionally, maintaining eye contact with your listeners establishes a deeper connection.

  • Meaningful eye contact creates a stronger connection with the audience.
  • Incorporate examples and personal experiences to make your speech relatable.
  • Use anecdotes to illustrate your points effectively.

Captivating Beginnings

The start of your speech holds great importance in capturing the audience’s attention. To ensure a strong opening, present yourself confidently and with authority. Lay your notes on the podium, hold your head high, and greet your listeners with a warm smile. A well-crafted and attention-grabbing phrase can work wonders in establishing an immediate connection with the audience.

  • Project confidence and control to gain the audience’s trust.
  • Begin with a clear and powerful phrase that resonates with the audience.
  • Use humor and intriguing statements to capture attention.

Mastering Body Language

Body language is a powerful tool that can either enhance or hinder your speech. Pay attention to your posture and chin placement to convey confidence. Avoid slouching or standing too rigidly, as both extremes can send the wrong message. Practice in front of a mirror to find the most appropriate body posture that reflects poise and self-assurance.

  • Maintain an upright posture to exude confidence.
  • Avoid slouching, which may indicate lack of preparation.
  • Find a balanced chin position that conveys composure.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While delivering a public speech, certain actions should be avoided to ensure a polished performance. Be mindful of the following pitfalls:

  • Avoid looking down or off into empty space; maintain meaningful eye contact.
  • Refrain from speaking before reaching the front of the room; start when you are comfortable and ready.
  • Resist playing with your hair, leaning on one side, or using distracting hand gestures.
  • Do not fold your arms, cross your legs, sway from side to side, or turn your back to the audience.

The Power of Confidence

Above all, confidence is paramount in delivering an impactful speech. Without confidence, all other tips and techniques may fall short. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and speak with courage and conviction. Embrace these suggestions and practice them alongside cultivating unwavering confidence.

  • Confidence is the key to successful public speaking.
  • Believe in yourself and your message.
  • Speak with conviction and courage.

In conclusion, mastering the art of public speaking requires attention to both content and delivery. While preparing your speech is important, equally crucial is how you present yourself through body language and voice. Establishing a positive connection with your audience, captivating their attention from the start, and maintaining confidence throughout are essential elements of successful public speaking. With practice, anyone can become a compelling and confident public speaker. So embrace the challenge, refine your skills, and captivate your audience with your newfound abilities.

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: The Triple P Method

If the thought of standing on a podium in front of a large audience terrifies you, you’re not alone. Approximately 70% of the population experiences an intense fear of public speaking. But fear not, because in today’s webcast, we have the Triple P method to help you conquer your fear, stay calm during your next oral presentation, and keep your composure intact. Let’s dive into the details and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

The Prevalence of Glossophobia

Public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is widely regarded as one of the most common phobias among Americans. Glossophobia is defined as the fear of the tongue, which aptly captures the anxiety associated with speaking publicly. A study conducted by Texas Christian University found that individuals with high trait anxiety experienced more physical symptoms of distress when speaking in front of an audience. So, if you feel like any social interaction is akin to entering a lion’s den, take a deep breath and relax. We’ve got you covered with our Triple P method.

The Triple P Method

Step 1: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Preparation is key when it comes to overcoming the fear of public speaking. There are two crucial aspects to being prepared:

  1. Knowing your subject: Familiarize yourself with the topic inside out. Jot down the major points you want to convey to your audience on a webcast worksheet. Organize these points logically, starting with an attention-grabbing fact or anecdote to hook your listeners. Follow it up with supporting evidence, personal stories, and persuasive statements that will win over the audience.
  2. Knowing your presentation: Plan the structure of your speech step by step. Determine how you will present each point effectively. By organizing your thoughts and ideas on paper, you can alleviate anxiety and gain confidence in your delivery.

Step 2: Posture and Physicality

Maintaining the right posture and physicality can significantly reduce anxiety and help you deliver your speech with ease. Consider the following tips:

  • Prioritize your physical well-being: Avoid consuming large meals or dairy products before your speech, as they may cause excessive throat clearing. Keep a bottle of water on stage, if permitted, to stay hydrated and provide moments to pause and regain composure if needed.
  • Stand naturally: Find a comfortable stance that allows you to breathe and speak freely. Avoid being too stiff or slumped, as good posture conveys confidence and control.

Step 3: Pander to Your Audience

Successful public speakers know how to engage their audience effectively. Follow these guidelines to win over your listeners:

  • Maintain a natural cadence and pace: Avoid sounding robotic or monotonous. Speak in a conversational tone, and don’t be afraid to inject humor or asides where appropriate. A well-timed joke can elicit laughter and help establish a connection with the audience.
  • Stay self-effacing: Don’t take yourself too seriously. Be humble and relatable, and if there’s a moment of silence, turn it into an opportunity for a lighthearted joke. Let your easy demeanor and natural presence create a positive rapport with your audience.


If public speaking feels more intimidating than facing a poisonous reptile, fear not. By following the Triple P checklist, you can overcome your fear and deliver a compelling speech:

  1. Prepare extensively: Know your content inside out and organize your ideas effectively.
  2. Watch your posture and physicality: Stand naturally, breathe from your diaphragm, and maintain good posture.
  3. Pander to your audience: Engage them with a natural cadence, humor, and relatability.

Remember, practice makes perfect. With time and experience, your confidence will grow, and public speaking will become less daunting. For further assistance, you can connect with us on Twitter @WatchWebcast, email us at watchwebcast@gmail.com, or leave a comment below. We wish you all the best in your future public speaking endeavors!


The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons in Grace, Credibility, and Resonance


Have you ever been asked to speak in front of a large audience and share personal or professional stories to inspire and ignite creative action? For many of us, the idea of public speaking can be daunting. However, public speaking is a skill that can be honed and mastered with practice. In this article, we will explore the lessons in public speaking, focusing on the key elements of grace, credibility, and resonance.

Embracing Vulnerability: The Journey of a Speaker

Before diving into the intricacies of public speaking, let’s take a moment to understand the author’s personal journey. Born with a hearing impairment, the author had to undergo speech therapy during their formative years. They also faced multiple surgeries related to their ears, leaving them with a speech deficiency. Ironically, the author has now become a speaker who helps others find their voice. This serves as a reminder that even superheroes have their flaws. The author’s journey has led them to discover the importance of listening in effective speaking.

The Power of Listening: Grace in Public Speaking

When it comes to public speaking, grace is not just about what you say; it’s also about how you say it. Physicality plays a significant role in delivering a great talk. The author shares their experiences working with clients and highlights some common pitfalls to avoid. Here are a few aspects of grace discussed:

Feet: The Soft Rock Star Pose

– Some speakers tend to walk excessively or exhibit awkward movements on stage.
– The author introduces the \”soft rock star pose\” as a solution, encouraging speakers to stand strong and firm before speaking.
– This posture helps minimize distractions caused by excessive movement or the urge to wander.

Body: Swiveling and Gestures

– Swiveling, a subtle movement some speakers unknowingly exhibit, can be distracting.
– Friends and colleagues can provide valuable feedback to speakers who may not be aware of their swiveling habit.
– The use of hand gestures can be powerful, but excessive or repetitive gestures can detract from the message.
– Speakers who experience nervous shaking can find comfort by giving their hands a purpose, such as holding a clicker or a hanky.

Scripts: The Pitfall to Avoid

– Many speakers rely on scripts, but they can hinder effective delivery.
– Using a script often leads to visible shaking, as seen when speakers hold a piece of paper.
– Eye contact with the audience is compromised when the speaker constantly looks down at the script, amplifying their nervousness.

Credibility: Crafting Compelling Stories

In addition to grace, credibility plays a vital role in engaging an audience. It involves the content of your speech, the stories you choose to tell, and how you deliver them. Here are some key points to consider:

– Storytelling: Stories have the power to captivate and connect with the audience emotionally.
– Models and Frameworks: Utilizing effective storytelling models and frameworks can enhance the impact of your message.
– Authenticity: Revealing vulnerability and personal insights can make your speech more relatable and memorable.

Resonance: Leaving an Impact

Resonance refers to the audience’s response and emotional experience during and after a speech. It involves leaving a lasting impression and evoking a specific feeling or action. Consider the following aspects of resonance:

– Emotional Connection: Maya Angelou’s famous quote highlights the significance of how people feel after listening to a speech.
– Audience Engagement: Great speakers focus on understanding and addressing the needs, desires, and emotions of their audience.
– Inspiring Action: A powerful speech should motivate listeners to take action or implement positive changes in their lives.


Public speaking is an art that requires the mastery of grace, credibility, and resonance. By understanding the importance of physicality, choosing compelling stories, and connecting with the audience on an emotional level, anyone can become a more effective speaker. Remember, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it that truly leaves a lasting impact. So, the next time you find yourself standing in front of a hundred unfamiliar faces, embrace the opportunity to share your voice and inspire others through the power of public speaking.

How to Improve Public Speaking

Let’s talk about how to improve your public speaking skills. We’re gonna talk about five ways that you can get better, so let’s get into those details.

I’m Alex Lyon, and we’re gonna talk about how to improve your public speaking skills. This is the second video in a three-part series that I’m doing this month. The first video is the importance of public speaking, and then the next one is how to practice a speech.

But in this one, we’re going to look at five ways that you can improve your public speaking skills. So let’s get into that. The number one way that you can improve your public speaking skills is to speak about a topic that you care about.

When you are passionate about a subject, you are going to put way more work into it because you’re motivated. And no one has to tell you to do it. You want to speak about this topic. And speaking about a topic that you don’t care about, you can still get better, but you will take your skills to the next level when you’re passionate about the subject because you’re like, oh, this is so important.

And I really wanna get this across. And you want your listeners to benefit the most. So, in my experience, when you care about a topic, your skills will go to next level completely. So figure out what you really wanna talk about and look for opportunities to speak about that particular topic.

The second way to improve is to watch great speakers. Identify some speakers that you admire, that you look up to, and watch what they do. Now, don’t copy them. Don’t imitate them. But watch two or three different kinds of speakers that all have their own skills and learn from them.

By watching a few different people, what you’ll do is you’ll see the general skills that cut across, and then you can pull out of that principle that you can then apply on your own. For example, I really admire Patricia Fripp.

She’s a very well-known professional speaker, and she is an amazing storyteller. And so I don’t tell stories the way she does. She has her own unique way, but I said I wanna get better at telling stories.

So when I speak publicly, I tell a lot of stories. I also like to be funny. Now, I’m not a standup comic by any stretch, but I like to watch standup comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, just to get inspired by their amazing skill to make people laugh with just a one-line joke.

That’s impressive. So watch great speakers. Pull out the general principles from them. And then put those into practice for yourself. The third way to improve is to prepare. And this might sound a little dry, but I can tell you that 95% of the way a presentation turns out is determined by how you prepare.

And that basically means making a clear outline beforehand, so you really have your thoughts in order, intro, a few main points, and a conclusion. And also, practicing from that outline a whole bunch of times, five, six, seven times.

I practice about 10 times or more for every presentation I give. I know some people who don’t practice at all. They just put out their whole outline, and then when they stand up to speak, it’s the first or maybe only the second time they have spoken through it.

And you can usually tell. In fact, I teach this stuff to professionals. I do workshops for companies, and I can’t tell you how many times someone, it’s their turn to go up and speak. And they say, you know, I’m just gonna wing it.

Well, you can tell what’s gonna happen ahead. I already know what’s gonna happen. The people who prepare always do much better than the people who say, I’m just gonna wing it. So preparation is really key.

Don’t underestimate that. Get alone in a room. Talk through your notes. Stand up the way you would really stand up, and power through it. You also may want to record on your phone your practice sessions.

That can be really motivating. It can identify a couple of things that you need to work on. So record yourself, and it’s almost like getting another person to give you feedback. The fourth way is to get more experience.

There are a lot of low-risk, low-stakes ways to stand up and present. Maybe you would run a short training session for example in your workplace around the people that you already know. That’s how I got my first start after college.

I had done public speaking in college, but then on my first job in Rhode Island, there was an opportunity to do a training session. And so I did a 20-minute session on listening skills. And I can tell you right now, it wasn’t good.

In fact, I remember looking out at a lot of confused faces in the room for that 20 minutes. But it helped me start. It was a starting place, and everybody was supportive. They were all my coworkers. They were all on my side.

Look for low-stakes opportunities, low-risk opportunities to speak. Maybe it’s announcements at church. Maybe it’s like running a training session. Maybe you can do a little meeting where it’s just four or five of you, but you prepare your thoughts in advance as if you were going to be speaking publicly.

Look for as many opportunities as possible to get more experience. And the fifth way is to take a class. So maybe you’re in college. Look for a public speaking class. Look for an advanced public speaking class after that.

Maybe on the job where you work there are opportunities and workshops and people that come through to teach communication skills. Take one of those. You can take an online course. And one of the great things about a course of some sort is that the instructor has already thought through some of the most common issues that people need to overcome, and so they’re gonna take you through a curriculum and move you forward in all those other areas.

Like I have a lot of people that say, well, I’m so nervous. If I could just get over my nerves, then I’d be better at this. Well, yeah, that’s a start but really learning concrete skills is going to help you get better, and a teacher can help guide you through that process instead of just guessing on your own what you need to work on.

Now, at the beginning of the video, I mentioned there are a couple of free resources that I wanted to tell you about. The first one is free. It’s an instant PDF download that you put in your email, and I send you tips to help you become a more confident and composed public speaker.

So you can look for the link to that in the description below the video. And the second one is a full course that I have created. It’s called Present Like a Pro. And the whole goal of the course is to help you become a top 10% presenter in your professional setting.

So I invite you to check that out. Again, links and descriptions are below. So question of the day, what do you think the best ways to improve your public speaking are? I’d love to hear your thoughts on what works best for you, and I look forward to reading those comments in that section below the video.

Source : Youtube