"How to Write Killer Speeches, Conquer the Fear Of Public Speaking and 'Wow' Your Audiences Every Time!"

Learn all the practical secrets to writing and fearlessly delivering knockdown, inspiring and engaging presentations that can open new doors of opportunity for you ...


FROM the Desk of ToonChooi & Ray L. Edwards
Tuesday, 8:18 a.m.

Dear Friend,

Does just the thought of speaking in front of an audience causes you to freeze up with fright?

You stand before a group of people and your palms get sweaty, heart wants to come through your mouth and your knees start knocking against each other. You wish that the floor would just open up and swallow you whole.

In fact, over the past few decades many surveys have shown that Americans' fear of public speaking ranks higher than death itself!

This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode in which Jerry commented on these survey results by stating, "This means people would rather be in the coffin than be required to deliver the eulogy."

Maybe you have comforted yourself by thinking that some people are just gifted orators and that's not your gift. Maybe you have already given up on even trying because you've failed too many times. You may have even tried taking speech classes and found yourself more confused than when you started.

Yet studies show that 87% of a person's income is directly attributed to that person's ability to confidently speak in public.

What does this mean to you?

It means that if you are not a confident presenter you could be losing, not only money, but the lifestyle that you deserve. You could be losing that job promotion to those who are less talented and less educated than you are but who can handle the stage.

Just think about that. There is no other skill that you can acquire that will mean more to your personal success than public speaking. Some may have the natural talent but everyone can learn this skill --- including you!

You can learn how to turn all that stage fright and anxiety into positive energy that will help you deliver a speech with passion. You can learn how to 'wow' your audience every time and motivate people to take action.


All you need to learn are the Practical Secrets to Successful Public Speaking

In this concise manual you'll learn all the steps that you need to conquer fear of the stage and deliver a speech that will get you receiving the highest compliment any speaker can get -- an invitation to return!

This is not your usual speech theory books that you can pick up at any college book store.

If you've been through these books you know that those theories won't help you. They may make great materials for college exams but you want a practical guide. You want just the secrets. Not any long boring explanations that leave you more confused than before.

Here is what you'll get from the Secrets to Successful Public Speaking:

How to choose the perfect topic for your speech every time. You won't be left wondering what to speak on, which can be a real time-waster. I know; I've been there.

Just what you should know about your audience ahead of time. If you don't know these three things you could be in for an uphill climb.

How to grab your listeners attention from the very start and don't release them until the very end. The start of your speech is the most important part. If you lose your audience here you'll not gain them later.

How to write a speech with content and purpose that will inform, entertain, motivate, inspire and get you a second invitation to speak again. If you don't have a well written speech then no amount of charisma and oratory skills can make up for this lack.

How to guarantee a positive response from your listeners every time you speak. This is one of the secrets that professional speakers use all the time. You'll be pleasantly surprised to discover how easy it is.

8 Ways to calm your nerves before you give your speech. Some level of nervousness is quite normal, but too much can cripple an otherwise great speech. Say good-bye to crackling voices and that lump in your throat.

How to dress for the occasion and the rules you should never break. This has a lot more to do with your success than you may first think.

How to use the correct gestures that will best communicate your message and captivate your audience. Your body language plays a great role in your speech delivery. Learn how to use this to your advantage.

When you should use humor and when you should avoid it like the plague. You'll learn 9 benefits to using humor in your speech even if you don't think that you are funny.

How to select the most powerful illustrations to make your points clearer to your listeners. Discover the 3 tests all your illustrations should pass before you even think about using them in your speech.

How to control the pitch and rate of speaking in order to have the desired effect on your audience. Just these tricks alone can make you into an overnight success.

How to instantly build credibility with your audience members so that they will believe what you say to them.

20 Ways to deliver more persuasive speeches and get people to take the actions you desire them to take. Every speech is given not only to inform and inspire your audience but to get them to think and to act in a desired way--your way.

7 Secrets to handling the dreaded questions and answer session and win over your audience to your way of thinking. Learn how to handle difficult questions without resorting to evasive tactics.


You can learn from all the practical tips I've acquired from over 25 years of public speaking experience!


You may be wondering why you should listen to what I have to say. Well, I've been engaged in public speaking for over 25 years now. I've addressed audiences of over 10,000 and thousands more through radio broadcast. I gave the valedictorian speech for my high school graduation and college graduation.

Teaching high school and college for many years forced me to be speaking to a group several times per week. I can't begin to tell you the accolades and compliments I've received (even last weekend promoting my latest book) for my presentations.

In addition to this, I've been a student to the masters for several years and can still remember reading Carnegie's The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking back in high school. This book was indeed one of the tools that shaped my public speaking career and helped me to hone my communication skills.

The point here is that I've been in the trenches and I can show you how you can be a successful speaker as well.

I'm writing from the personal experience of standing before countless audiences and delivering memorable speeches. Not just repeating something I learned from a text book.

And here is why I know that you can become a better speaker:

1. Public speaking is a skill. Like any other skill it can be learned and improved upon. Once you have the desire, all you need are the secrets that have made others successful speakers.

2. Having been in the classroom for many years I know how to take seemingly difficult concepts and make them easy for others to understand. I will even critique your speeches so you can be confident that you are giving it your best shot.

3. Once you read this book and follow the steps your confidence will grow with each inspiring presentation. You will not have to refuse speaking appointments anymore.

4. Once you follow the simple steps to reduce your fears and anxiety of speaking before a group, you will not want to go back to the shadows anymore.

5. I've worked with people just like you who thought that it was impossible until they were able to prove themselves wrong. If you are willing to put in the minimal effort you can reap the rewards as well.

Just think about your school mates for a minute. Where are they now in their careers? I'm sure that you can think of at least one person who didn't do as well as you but is far ahead of you today. If you were smarter than they were then how did they manage to get ahead of you?

You may say, "They have the gift of gab and know just what to say to get ahead." At least you can see the benefits of developing a skill that can set you apart from the crowd.

It's like writing a book. Anyone can write and publish a book. Especially today with the onslaught of self-publishing companies.

But how many people have the discipline to sit before their computers and actually write one. Yet being a published author can catapult your career and put you a notch above the rest. I know.

You see, without even changing your educational level, you can give yourself a boost in income and lifestyle that will make you the envy of your peers.

Consider these immediate advantages that you can gain from being a competent speaker:

You set yourself apart from the crowd as a person of ambition and courage.

This will boost your confidence in other areas of your life as you are able to conquer this common fear.

Others will treat you as an expert in whatever area you choose to speak on and will be willing to pay for your advice.

You'll boost your income if you choose to do this full-time or even part time. Good speakers are always in high demand and are paid well.

You'll be more confident in job interviews, in a courtroom and in social gatherings of all types. No more fumbling for the right words and not knowing what to say. You can speak with bold confidence!

You'll win the admiration of new friends and gain a circle of influence you never knew even existed.

You'll become a more valuable asset to your company as your skills are now in demand.

As you learn what makes other people 'tick' you can use your persuasive skills to sell yourself in many different situations. What about getting that special reservation even after you're told that they are all taken?

The respect of family members as they see the "new confident you."

You no longer have to cover your face hoping that you won't be asked to give the toast at the next family wedding event. No longer afraid to stand and express yourself at the next PTA meeting. No need to pass the responsibility for the eulogy over to another family member who "can talk better than you".

Finally, you have no more excuses not to ace your next speech, whether it's a toast or a full company presentation.

And when you order Secrets to Successful Public Speaking now, you'll also get these invaluable bonuses:

Bonus #1: (A 19.95 alue)

Phrases For Public Speakers. All speeches are made up of words and some combinations are more memorable than others. This is an invaluable list of those words and phrases that will make your speech stand out from the rest. No more searching for the correct phrases to get your points across!

Bonus #2: (A $29 value)

Public Speaking - Principles and Practice is considered as a classic on speech writing and presentation. Even though this book is no longer in print the principles that it teaches are timeless. In 233 pages it covers subjects such as:

  • Establishing the Tone - How to make your voice 'sweet' to the listeners' ears and avoid going hoarse.
  • Vocal Flexibility - How to develop your vioce so that you use it most effectively.
  • The Formation of Words - The art correct pronounciation
  • Making the Point - How to get your point across so people understand you.
  • Indicating Values and Relations - How to connect best with your audinece so that they are in tune with you.
  • Expressing the Feeling - Speech is all about communicating feelings!
  • Showing the Picture - Build word pictures that create the right impressions.
  • Expression by Action - Hot to best support your speech with correct gestures.
  • PLATFORM PRACTICE - How to conduct yourself during the presentation.
  • The Formal Address - What to say and what to avoid in this situation.
  • The Public Lecture - Brilliant examples from past orators.
  • The Informal Discussion - You'll learn how to handle yourself in these situation.
  • Argumentative Speech - How to argue persuasively.
  • The After-Dinner Speech - How to keep them listening even when they are full!
  • The Occasional Poem - The art of poetry. No, it's not a forgotten art.:)
  • The Making of the Speech - How to deliver and be remembered ...
  • And much more!

The Secrets to Successful Public Speaking also includes a resources section that will give you easy one-click online access to a number of websites that will give you added valuable information on speech preparation and the techniques of delivery.

The ebook is priced at $37 but for this special introductory offer you can save $10 off that price if you order now.

Yes, you can have instant download access to the Secrets to Successful Public Speaking for only $27. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the value that you'll get from these secret tips and strategies.

You may be wondering why I would give away this valuable information that I've spent many years learning for so little. You see, if I can help you to be a more accomplished speaker, I know that I would've won a friend and who knows what other services you may order from me.

For example, you may later use my speech-writing services and so I'm using a friendly 'bribe' in this offer. At least I'm being honest here. :)

Click below now to download your copy of Secrets to Successful Public Speaking.

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(Note that the ebook is in the PDF format and you'll need the Acrobat Reader to read the book. The download is also in a zipped file for faster download.) You'll be given instant access as soon as your payment is processed.


And here's My Guarantee to you.

Use my manual of secrets and apply the steps that you're given for 8 weeks. If you don't think that you've received many times over what you paid for this information just send me an email and let me know. You'll be issued a courteous 100% refund. And you can keep the bonuses; no hard feelings.

So you have nothing to lose except your fear of the coffin over the fear of giving the eulogy!

To Your Speaking Success!

ToonChooi &

Ray L. Edwards,
Published Author, Speaker

P.S. You can use these secrets to conquer the fear of public speaking and start delivering speeches that will get you noticed. There is no faster way to boost your career and your income like developing your speaking skills.

P.P.S. This is NOT a book on communication theory. These are practical principles that I've learned from over 25 years as a successful public speaker. Now you can get these same secrets for a very small investment indeed. Click here to order your copy now!

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