Public Speaking: 12 Rules for The Perfect Speech

Public speaking is a skill useful in school, at work, or if we want to convince a group of people. Investor Warren Buffett called it the most important skill. We can learn to advance in a career. Here is a short guide to mastering the most powerful weapon.

If we want to bring change to the world, Take one issue. You really care about it. When you study it, you are intrinsically motivated to learn it deeper and put in the extra effort. Later, it gives you passion.

You need to inspire your audience. When we speak in public, passion is probably our most powerful force. It shines through our eyes and straight into the hearts of the audience. One simple message: every issue has many angles from which we can highlight them.

But the audience has a limited attention span and many other issues in life. So if we say too much, they will lose interest. To make a message Stick Chris Anderson recommends boiling it down to one idea that is worth spreading.

A speech is good. If it plants one creative seed in the heads of the audience, that seed can then grow into a sprout that can change lives and be shared with others. structure. Over 2000 years ago, The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, established three simple rules for good speech.

Establish credibility. Ethos Give good arguments, logos, and convey emotions. Pathos, But you can also tell a personal story or present a problem and then offer a solution. GET HELP. A good method is to use note cards.

You can use one card per argument and keep the deck in your hands, alternating them. As you speak, Politicians often read their speeches from a teleprompter. Professionals often sell their ideas with the help of slides. When you have a product to show, demonstrate it.

If you try to memorize your speech and you have one hour, spend 20 minutes studying and 40 minutes practicing to recite it. That’s usually the best ratio. They speak their language. It doesn’t matter what we say; it matters what they hear.

According to Nerdwriter, Donald Trump speaks in a way that any fourth-grader can understand. Him. Guy Kawasaki recommends using what he calls “salient points.” People don’t want to know how large a battery is.

They want to know how long they can use it. When preparing, ask yourself, how does my issue matter to this particular audience? PRACTISE Before you present, practice your delivery. It’s important that we stand with arms raised, palms open, facing out.

We should speak loud and clear and make eye contact with our audience. One way to practice Try to speak in front of friends who don’t know the topic. Then you will see if they get your point. Alternatively, you can also record and watch yourself on video.

Check your stage. How big is the room? How many people will listen? Will you need a microphone? Professionals will want to walk onto the stage diagonally from the left-back. Apparently, it’s the most dynamic way to make an entrance.

Also, always have a glass of water. It’s next to you, so you can take a sip whenever you’re losing it. Don’t be afraid. Everybody can experience speech anxiety, also known as glossophobia. It’s natural and sometimes actually helps us achieve excellence.

Mahatma Gandhi called it “the awful strain of public speaking“. For years, It prevented him from speaking up, even at friendly dinner parties. But in 1942, Gandhi convinced 60,000 people with his “Quit India Speech” to join a peaceful revolt against British colonialism.

..He spoke up. The people followed his words, and the British left, open for sympathy. When you enter the limelight, wait until you have everyone’s full attention. Then play to win. Sympathy is also called capitation benevolent.

..One way to do that is to excuse yourself. You can say, “you are a smart audience, so I don’t really know what I can still tell you.” Obama opened his 2008 speech in Berlin with the words “I have to admit that I have developed a special place in my heart for the German people.” And they loved it.

Build Curiosity Once they like you, grab their attention by building curiosity. Provide a fact. Statistics or a study Or start in the middle of a story with “On my fifth birthday, my father started crying.”

It was the day he lost his job.”Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, a champion of public speaking, asked,” raise your hand. If you have an emotional mother, “and everyone did,” But you can also do something funny or open with a crazy stunt.

Deliveries Your message Now make your arguments, share those personal stories, and deliver metaphors that create images in the minds of your audience. If you forget what you wanted to say, don’t worry.

, andNobody understands what you were trying to say. In 1963, Martin Luther King gave a speech in Washington. In the middle of it, he stopped reading from the script and started to improvise. He delivered one of the greatest speeches of the twentieth century, “I have a dream.” CLOSE After you are done, summarise your arguments or repeat the core message.

But you can also leave them with a quote: “Share your dream of a new future or close.” Your speech, like our videos, should end with a specific call to action. Here it comes. Write a speech about an important issue such as education.

Open with sympathy, build curiosity, and then bring in your convincing argument. In the end, it closed cleverly. Limit your speech to 200 words and post it in the comments below. If you want to learn to speak in public, you should also practice your speech.

For example, the next 5 days. 15 minutes each. Ideally, record yourself on your phone so you can track your progress and learn from your mistakes. Upload. The last try of each day on Youtube and share the link in the comments.

Then we can see how you progressed and applaud you for trying, failing, and doing it.

Source : Youtube

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