Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: The Triple P Method

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If the thought of standing on a podium in front of a large audience terrifies you, you’re not alone. Approximately 70% of the population experiences an intense fear of public speaking. But fear not, because in today’s webcast, we have the Triple P method to help you conquer your fear, stay calm during your next oral presentation, and keep your composure intact. Let’s dive into the details and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

The Prevalence of Glossophobia

Public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is widely regarded as one of the most common phobias among Americans. Glossophobia is defined as the fear of the tongue, which aptly captures the anxiety associated with speaking publicly. A study conducted by Texas Christian University found that individuals with high trait anxiety experienced more physical symptoms of distress when speaking in front of an audience. So, if you feel like any social interaction is akin to entering a lion’s den, take a deep breath and relax. We’ve got you covered with our Triple P method.

The Triple P Method

Step 1: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Preparation is key when it comes to overcoming the fear of public speaking. There are two crucial aspects to being prepared:

  1. Knowing your subject: Familiarize yourself with the topic inside out. Jot down the major points you want to convey to your audience on a webcast worksheet. Organize these points logically, starting with an attention-grabbing fact or anecdote to hook your listeners. Follow it up with supporting evidence, personal stories, and persuasive statements that will win over the audience.
  2. Knowing your presentation: Plan the structure of your speech step by step. Determine how you will present each point effectively. By organizing your thoughts and ideas on paper, you can alleviate anxiety and gain confidence in your delivery.

Step 2: Posture and Physicality

Maintaining the right posture and physicality can significantly reduce anxiety and help you deliver your speech with ease. Consider the following tips:

  • Prioritize your physical well-being: Avoid consuming large meals or dairy products before your speech, as they may cause excessive throat clearing. Keep a bottle of water on stage, if permitted, to stay hydrated and provide moments to pause and regain composure if needed.
  • Stand naturally: Find a comfortable stance that allows you to breathe and speak freely. Avoid being too stiff or slumped, as good posture conveys confidence and control.

Step 3: Pander to Your Audience

Successful public speakers know how to engage their audience effectively. Follow these guidelines to win over your listeners:

  • Maintain a natural cadence and pace: Avoid sounding robotic or monotonous. Speak in a conversational tone, and don’t be afraid to inject humor or asides where appropriate. A well-timed joke can elicit laughter and help establish a connection with the audience.
  • Stay self-effacing: Don’t take yourself too seriously. Be humble and relatable, and if there’s a moment of silence, turn it into an opportunity for a lighthearted joke. Let your easy demeanor and natural presence create a positive rapport with your audience.


If public speaking feels more intimidating than facing a poisonous reptile, fear not. By following the Triple P checklist, you can overcome your fear and deliver a compelling speech:

  1. Prepare extensively: Know your content inside out and organize your ideas effectively.
  2. Watch your posture and physicality: Stand naturally, breathe from your diaphragm, and maintain good posture.
  3. Pander to your audience: Engage them with a natural cadence, humor, and relatability.

Remember, practice makes perfect. With time and experience, your confidence will grow, and public speaking will become less daunting. For further assistance, you can connect with us on Twitter @WatchWebcast, email us at watchwebcast@gmail.com, or leave a comment below. We wish you all the best in your future public speaking endeavors!


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